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Policy and advocacy
© naturepl.com / Doc White / WWF

We are working with ICCAT, governments and relevant stakeholders to ensure that bluefin tuna fisheries are sustainably managed to the benefit of marine ecosystems, fisheries communities and consumers.

What's at stake?

Combatting the illegal fishing and trading of bluefin tuna is still a priority. It is a critical issue to be tackled if we want to achieve full accountability for bluefin tuna fishing.

Although the state of the East Atlantic and Mediterranean stock of bluefin tuna is showing some improvement, there are still concerns about the massive illegal catches every year in the Mediterranean.

After the adoption of the ICCAT Recommendation in November 2018, establishing a multi-annual management plan for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, we advocate improving controls and traceability measures especially regarding the trade of live fish.

© WWF Mediterranean

WWF participates in ICCAT as an Observer to the meetings of the Commission, to working groups and the Committee of Compliance.

We are also engaged with the Standing Committee for Research and Statistics (SCRS) cooperating with scientists to deliver the best available scientific advice to the Commission for its decisions.


© Frédéric BASSEMAYOUSSE / WWF Mediterranean
What is ICCAT?

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) currently has 53 Contracting Parties. Its primary responsibility is to adopt regulatory and management measures − including annual maximum catches − to conserve tuna and other highly migratory species in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean, based on scientific advice on the status of the stocks.

The Commission conducts annual meetings to analyse statistical data and adopt decisions accordingly. Scientific advice is provided by the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS) before the annual meeting of the Commission every year.

On the occasion of the 26th Regular meeting of the Commission in November 2019, WWF has submitted a position paper encouraging ICCAT Contracting Parties and Cooperating non-contracting Parties to continue their efforts and actions to improve the state of the stocks, maintaining progress towards long-term sustainability and ecosystem-based management.

The vision we have is for all stocks managed by ICCAT to be sustainably fished, for the benefit of the ecosystem, fisheries and consumers.
© B. J. Skerry / National Geographic Stock / WWF