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Setting WWF priorities for the blue recovery of the Mediterranean Sea

© WWF Mediterranean /P. Guglielmi
Kaş-Kekova MPA, Antalya Province, Turkey.
WWF envisions a Mediterranean region with a thriving, sustainable and equitable blue economy. This entails a nature-positive approach based on clean energy production and shipping; sustainable fishing and aquaculture; protecting key habitats and seagrasses; and creating opportunities for small-scale producers to participate fully and fairly in accessing markets and achieving income security.
The year 2020 was supposed to see a strong focus for our Mediterranean Marine Initiative on raising the ambition of governments toward a New Deal for Nature – a new deal that would lead to a post-2020 framework that was fit for purpose to tackle the challenges of a sea that is in “burn out.”
However, in 2020 we could make little progress on this as our lives were uprooted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has been a tough reminder of the (dangerously broken) links between nature and people; how human health is intimately connected with the health of our planet and how we manage the life-sustaining resources that biodiversity and ecosystems provide. We are now all looking to the future, to building back and better, to turning the challenges we faced over the past year into opportunities to reduce our footprint and design a world that can keep climate warming in check, protect the remaining wild places and avoid future pandemics. The use of stimulus packages will be key, and must strike the balance between creating jobs and safeguarding the environment. The new decade that has just started offers the right time frame for such changes to happen.
To support this process, WWF’s Mediterranean Marine Initiative activities in 2021 and 2022 will be framed around four priorities:
A new deal for Mediterranean biodiversity
Empowered coastal communities
Ecosystem protection that delivers benefits for people
Scaling up blue investments
We have big challenges ahead and the stakes are high, but so are the opportunities. We will take all the help we can get and look forward to working collaboratively with partners. We will have zero tolerance for delayed commitments and lack of implementation. We feel a sense of urgency in seeing a more sustainable future become reality for the place we call home. The survival of the Mediterranean Sea will ultimately be the survival of its people.