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European Parliament seals the deal on Nature Restoration Law

Today, the European Parliament adopted the trilogue agreement on the Nature Restoration Law. They listened to the calls of over 1 million citizens, businesses, scientists and NGOs, and have paved the way for this first-of-its-kind law to become a reality.

The Nature Restoration Law represents a historic opportunity to bring nature back to Europe. At a time when the continent is ravaged by floods, droughts and fires, this law will help secure a safer and healthier future for Europeans.

Despite last-minute efforts of far-right and conservative groups, and disinformation from anti-nature lobbies to torpedo the law, the majority of Members of Parliament stayed true to the democratic and legislative process in place, approving the trilogue agreement which they were part of negotiating last year. 

The final step in the process is for the agreement to receive the formal approval of Member States, which is expected to take place in March or April this year. 

The #RestoreNature coalition, consisting of BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, EEB, and WWF EU says: “The Nature Restoration Law has always been so much more than a law to bring back nature. It is a symbol that Europe can, and will, commit to fighting for the survival of our planet. We are relieved that MEPs listened to facts and science, and did not give in to populism and fearmongering. Now, we urge Member States to follow suit and deliver this much-needed law to bring back nature in Europe.”

Notes for editors 
[1] The Nature Restoration Law has received support from EU Member States, the wind energy and solar industryscientists, the progressive farming communityEuropean huntersfinancial institutionsEuropean mayors, an increasing number of companies and business associations and European youth. Almost 1,200,000 signatures and messages for an ambitious Nature Restoration Law have been collected through various campaigns, which were launched by the #RestoreNature coalition (incl. Avaaz), WeMove, etc. 

[2] For more information about the Nature Restoration Law, please visit, www.restorenature.eu 
© Canva
The vote is another hard-fought win for the Nature Restoration Law